Monday, May 27, 2002

Hello! I'm MagicaFaeryStar (which, you probably already knew), I'm eleven years old (almost), and live on the Stars (Actually, in a little city on the Stars called "Imagina"). I love Irish step dancing, Jazz dancing, gymnastics, art, acting, singing, writing, building/designing websites, computer, blogging, fruit, hot chocolate, chocolate, pets, animals, family, playing, outside, etc. As you can see, there are a lot of the similar and different things I like :D. Actually, this post was going to be just a test to make sure blogger is working properly right now (there were a few problems before...), but I guess it isn't anymore... Well, I hope this goes through!


P.S. Please visit my two main websites: Crescent Moon and Azalea Land .::Off to costumizing the template/layout::.